NGC 6946, sometimes referred to as the Fireworks Galaxy, is a face-on intermediate spiral galaxy with a small bright nucleus, whose location in the sky straddles the boundary between the northern constellations of Cepheus and Cygnus.
The galaxy was discovered by William Herschel on 9 September 1798. Its distance from Earth is about 25.2 million light-years .
Ten supernovae have been observed in NGC 6946 in the 20th and early 21st century .
For this reason, NGC 6946 has sometimes been referred to as the "Fireworks Galaxy" .
NGC 6946 è una galassia a spirale posta sul confine tra le costellazioni del Cigno e di Cefeo
Questa galassia è famosa presso la comunità scientifica col nome di Fireworks Galaxy (Galassia fuochi d'artificio)[1], a causa del numero di supernovae osservate, ben dieci negli ultimi 100 anni
L 900secX24 Bin1
R 600secX6 Bin1
G 600secX6 Bin1
B 600secX6 Bin1
>Set CCD Temp.-20°C
>Night Temp. -°C
GM1000 HPS 10Micron Mount and Aries Tripod
Astrografo Ritchey–Chrétien GSO 10" Truss V3
fl_2000mm f/8
FOV 0°27'x 0°27'
resolving 0.76"pix
Moravian Instruments G2-4000 MARK II Monochrome CCD Camera :
Sensor: Kodak KAI-4022 Monochrome CCD
Resolution: 2056 x 2062 pixels
Quantum Efficiency: 57% max
Pixel Size: 7.4 x 7.4 µm
Imaging Area: 15.2 x 15.3 mm
Cooling: Two-stage Peltier up to -50°C
Baader Filters
Guide : SXV-AO-LF Active Optics - OAG Lodestar x2
Location : Alpi Friulane Luglio 2023
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